A Shot of Whiskey and a Paper Dress
What happens to words when they decide to go beyond the boundaries of the page and create an autonomous life for themselves?
Without boundaries of space and time? Without a demarcating discipline? The answer to the question is at the heart of "A shot of Whiskey and a Paper Dress", a multidisciplinary performance show, dripping with blood, colorful, fluttering and still kicking, combining dance, theater, live music, video art and photography, and based on the songbook of Dean Aharoni Roland, a multidisciplinary artist , Photographer, poet and entrepreneur.

Directed by: Efrat Steinlauf and Dean Aharoni Roland // Dramaturgy: Shahaf Berger // Original music: Ronit Roland // Creative dancers: Ruth Aharoni, Harel Gerjutis, Rotem Nachmani, Gabriel Neuhaus // Artistic consulting and movement: Roni Brandstatter // Electronic music : Noam Sperber // Trumpet: Tomer Buchnik // Video design: Yaara Niral // Technology, photography and editing: Yaniv Grady // Lighting design: Matan Preminger and Uri Rubinstein // Pyrotechnics: Liam Schnitzer // Sound: Elon Perry // Styling: Roni Shukron // Book author: Dean Aharoni Roland // Book editor: Efrat Mishori // Book publisher: Little Fire 77
The show won the Lottery Award for Culture and the Arts for 2018, and with its support, the vision managed to take shape
And become a multidisciplinary project involving dozens of artists from various fields of art.